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Out network

For many years, we at MAFAC have been involved in aqueous parts cleaning. We aim to develop innovative concepts that enable high-quality and at the same time economical cleaning. At the same time, we deeply care about a resource-friendly and sustainable mode of operation of our products. It is also important to us that our employees feel comfortable in our company and that we work with efficient structures. The exchange with others plays a significant role in this regard and we are therefore involved in various networks.

Fachverband industrielle Teilereinigung (Professional Association for Industrial Parts Cleaning)

Fachverband industrielle Teilereinigung e.V.

In order to keep on developing, we are happy to exchange our manufacturer knowledge with other market participants in the industry or other companies. For this reason we are a member of the Fachverband industrielle Teilereinigung e.V. (FiT) (Professional Association for Industrial Parts Cleaning). The FiT promotes the exchange between research, development and application of industrial cleaning technology. Through regular attendance of seminars and specialist events, the specialists of the industry constantly receive further training to gain additional qualifications. With more than 70 members, the "Navigator of Parts Cleaning" is one of the largest competence networks for industrial parts cleaning.

Please pay particular attention to the publications of the FiT such as directivesguidelines and checklists.

Our involvement in the FiT:

Working Committee QSRein4.0
MAFAC is actively involved in the Working Committee QSRein4.0. The working committee was founded to develop the basic principles for the parts cleaning of the future. Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Lothar Schulz, Deputy Chairman of the FiT, MAFAC, together with other companies, is investigating the points of contact and innovation approaches that will promote a networking of production and cleaning. The long-term goal is "tailor-made process control" according to the initial condition of the parts and the required cleaning result, in order to enable quality assurance in accordance with FiT guidelines.

Technical Committee for Public Relations
We are actively involved in the Technical Committee for Public Relations in order to make the FiT even more widely known and to convince people of the advantages of becoming a member.

Parts Cleaning Symposiums
We regularly take part in the annual parts cleaning symposium: as participants in order to benefit from the varied and comprehensive programme of lectures, as exhibitors in order to cultivate contacts and also frequently as speakers on specialist topics. This way, we always keep our finger on the pulse of the market.

Wirtschaftsverband Industrieller Unternehmen Baden e.V. (Trade Association of Industrial Enterprises in Baden)

Wirtschaftsverband Industrieller Unternehmen Baden e.V.

Looking beyond our own horizons, sharing experiences with others, acquiring and expanding specialist knowledge - these are important elements that help us move forward in our daily work. These opportunities are offered to us by the Wirtschaftsverband Industrieller Unternehmen Baden e.V. (wvib) (Trade Association of Industrial Enterprises in Baden). For this reason we are a member of wvib in order to profit from this network.
The wvib sees itself as a voluntary association of industrial companies to secure and strengthen the competitiveness of manufacturing medium-sized businesses in the southwest of Germany, which advises, trains, promotes and networks its members and informs them in all business matters. In addition, the association represents the common economic, technical, legal and socio-political interests of its members vis-à-vis other branches of industry, authorities and other public bodies. It protects the interests of the manufacturing regional medium-sized businesses across party lines.

Handels- und Gewerbeverein Alpirsbach (Trade and trade association Alpirsbach)

Handels- und Gewerbeverein Alpirsbach

Through the Alpirsbach trade and commerce association, we are happy to be in friendly contact and exchange ideas with other companies in our beautiful little town of Alpirsbach.

