MAFAC rotating Ultrasonics - Cleaning through targeted Circulation

Motion plus Ultrasonics.

Whether it is the finest, most complex workpieces or increased cleanliness requirements: Here and there, ultrasonics can be used as a complementary process to thoroughly remove particulate and film contamination. This works all the better with our patented technology: MAFAC rotating ultrasonics.

Ultrasonic cleaning is based on the phenomenon of acoustic cavitation: sound waves at frequencies of 25 and 40 kHz are transmitted into the cleaning medium via an ultrasonic oscillator. The vacuum bubbles in the medium expand, collapse and finally implode at high speed. These mini-implosions release mechanical energy that acts in addition to the cleaning medium and the patented basket-nozzle rotation.

Typical of MAFAC, the ultrasonic oscillators emit pulses in rotation and move with the basket. Components are uniformly sonicated with full power from all sides and shadow zones are significantly reduced. Critical geometries and heavy contamination can be targeted and processed. Conversely, delicate structures can be cleaned effectively and gently by reducing the acoustic input.


Motion. Inspired by Nature.

MAFAC stands for constant evolution. From simple cleaning systems to patented innovations to a technology leader in water-based industrial component cleaning. From machines to individual process solutions, from manufacturer to expert partner. From 1974 to the present and the future.
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