MAFAC Kinematics - Cleaning efficiency through targeted Dynamics

Intelligent use of Motion.

Picture this: You want to clean a standing vessel with water from a hose. What happens? At first, the jet hits with full force and loosens the dirt. But the higher the level, the lower the power and less successful the cleaning. That's why we at MAFAC use a far more effective principle: Kinematics.

Motion is the key: The spray system rotates and the basket containing the goods to be cleaned rotates simultaneously. Precisely controlled it turns turbulent and therefore highly efficient. The cleaning medium reaches your products everywhere, from all angles, always with the same force. The intense mechanical impulse exchange ensures optimal heat and material transport. With MAFAC Kinematics, cleaning takes place faster, with better results and at lower temperatures.

Precise drying results: The rotation also ensures shorter cycle times and higher performance during drying. Your workpieces are optimally prepared for subsequent production steps. The degree of drying can be individually controlled until completely dry and free of any residual moisture.



Motion. Inspired by Nature.

MAFAC stands for constant evolution. From simple cleaning systems to patented innovations to a technology leader in water-based industrial component cleaning. From machines to individual process solutions, from manufacturer to expert partner. From 1974 to the present and the future.
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