Normally, the density of a liquid increases continuously as it cools. With one exception: the volume of water reaches its minimum and the density its maximum at 4°C.
After that, the molecules move more slowly. Larger groups of molecules are formed, which arrange themselves as wide-meshed crystals in a hexagon. Inside this hexagon, a void is formed – the volume increases and the density decreases. This special behavior of negative thermal volume expansion is called the anomaly of water.

Water, the. H2O, chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen. Boiling point 100°C and freezing point 0°C at sea level in normal weather conditions. Maximum density of 1g/cm3 at 4°C. Most important solvent”.
Definition of water, dictionary

An anomaly that is vital to the survival of fish and other marine life during cold winters: water that is up to 4°C warm sinks down, while cooled water remains on top and freezes at 0°C. The ice forms a protective coating on the surface and allows the liquid layers underneath to remain liquid.
For refreshing drinks, the anomaly ensures that the ice cubes do not sink to the bottom, but clink happily when you raise your glass and release their cooling effect to the liquid when thawed.
However, if you want to cool a sealed bottle briefly in the freezer, you should take it out quickly. Another peculiarity is that water expands rapidly, not gradually, when changing from liquid to solid. The ice has much more volume and causes the bottle to burst.

Editors note: Molecular graphic for illustration only – does not claim scientific standard